Issue #35 in 2022 year, 181-213

The right regime in Honduras: from stabilization towards destruction (2017-2021)

A. . Piatakov

The author of the article examines the evolution of political confrontation in Honduras during the second presidential mandate of Juan Orlando Hernandez. He analyzes the causes and process of the growth of protest moods in society. He proves that Honduras experienced several protest waves, which eventually led to the erosion of the electoral base of the right-wing regime. The author also focuses on such a destabilizing factor as the problem of corruption, which traditionally plays a significant role in the internal political life of Honduras. He examines the main state reforms implemented by the government, in particular, the reform of electoral legislation, and touches upon aspects related to the functioning of the armed forces and their socio-political activity. In particular, he shows the role of the Honduran military in the force scenarios for the prevention of the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a significant increase in dissatisfaction with the policy of the authorities. The author proves that the actions of the authorities led to a rise in public sentiment in support of alternative political forces, which eventually came to power following the 2021 elections.

Honduras, domestic politics, protests, corruption, pandemic, armed forces.

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