Issue #30 in 2021 year, 121-146

Pedagogical thought of liberation in the preludes of the Cuban Revolution (1930-1958)

A. Conde Rodríguez

The Cuban Revolution of 1959 is preceded by cultural and political projects founded in the Neocolonial Republic that contributed, to a greater or lesser extent, to the formation of a Cuban consciousness and to the fracture of American hegemony that guaranteed the absorption of the country's riches. The pedagogical thought that emerged from public and private school was undoubtedly one of the most significant contributions to the revitalization of the spiritual values of the nation that had been enshrined in the wars of independence of the nineteenth century. In particular, pedagogy whose theoretical and practical bases compromised the liberation of all the powers and servitudes that constituted, in the Republic, the survival of colonialism. The urgency of continuing the completeness of the picture of the history of education and pedagogy in Cuba is noted. National history cannot be subtracted from the influx of teachers and educators who planted homeland from the classroom and influenced the cultural and political destiny of the Cuban nation. The current debate on Cuban culture should place education as a central issue of society. The scientific and democratic school, as befits the most advanced of our liberating thinking, is still an aspiration today.

Cuban school, liberation pedagogy, education, revolution, hegemony, Cuban consciousness, philosophy of education, school inspection.

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